A quick note to let you know that you should make sure when downloading documentation and software that you are using the correct versions for whichever FUNcube Dongle you have! Aside from different front markings, you can identify which one you have from the serial number that’s marked on the back. The original FUNcube Dongle Pro’s (FCDP) have serial numbers less than 10,000. Serial numbers 10,000 and above are the FUNcube Dongle Pro Plus (FCDPP).
Although the two FCD versions look similar from the outside, inside the hardware’s almost completely different, and using the wrong software and/or documentation with each device will inevitably be frustrating! There were many improvements made when we designed the FCDPP, most notable being coverage down to LF, auto-switched discrete front-end pre-selection filters including very selective SAW filters for 2m and 70cm, doubling of spectrum bandwidth, and use of a very stable TCXO reference oscillator. The component count is 250% greater as a result, but we still managed to squeeze it all in to the USB dongle enclosure – just!
You’ll notice a couple of menus at the top of the page, one is “The New FUNcube Dongle Pro+” and the other is “The Original FUNcube Dongle“, so you should choose the one appropriate to your FCD.
In other news, we’ve just begun started receiving yet another batch of FUNcube Dongle Pro Plus units from the manufacturers, so we’ve plenty of stock and you can order directly by following this link.