Ordering FAQ

Q. Where can I order a FUNcube Dongle?
A. You can either purchase directly from us here using the “Order Your FUNcube Dongle Pro” menu item towards the top of this page, or head to the Martin Lynch website and order it there.

Q. What shipping method is used?
A. Outside the UK, we use FedEx International Priority. Within the UK we use Royal Mail Special Delivery.

Q. How much?
A. The Pro version is GBP99 plus relevant taxes and shipping. Pricing for the base educational outreach model hasnโ€™t been finalised yet, but it will be significantly less than the Pro model. A proportion of the price goes to fund AMSAT-UK’s FUNcube satellite itself: already, the FUNcube dongle has rasied over US$20,000 for the satellite fund!

Q. When?
A. The first Pro devices are scheduled to be available from 19 December 2010. Base device release will be confirmed once precise launch dates for FUNcube become confirmed.

Q. How do I order?
A. Follow this link.

Q. Is there an “order list”?
A. No, there’s no order list at present. Please see this link for an explanation.

Q. Can I buy a kit?
A. The FCD isn’t available in kit form. Please see this explanation.

262 Responses to Ordering FAQ

  1. Uwe Meyer says:

    i’m very interested to buy a funcubedongle in Pro Version.
    How can I order it?
    Let me know, the way to ordering and the way to pay it.

    Best regards
    Uwe Meyer, DD1OV

  2. Chris Brizendine says:

    Can you add me to the notification list, I would like to try to get a frequency setting application working in Linux. Thanks.

  3. Terry Godley says:

    Sounds like a great project, Be waiting to see when they will be available.

  4. Paul PD0PSB says:

    If you start an ordering list, count me in pse ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. lemmy says:

    Looks great i will also order one.

  6. Hi Howard,

    Would you be able to make me a golden super pro version? ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Good work!, now let’s see if I can make you the other end of the link…

  7. I am interested in adapting my iPad app to work with FUNcube. iPad supports USB audio and HID USB protocol, so I think there is a good chance that FUNcube and iSDR on iPad can work together. I would be interested in procuring a FUNcube or two to help with software development, once they become available. I’ll also need some information on how you utilize HID USB for controlling frequency. Please let me know if you can assist with information.


    • admin says:

      Hi Charles.

      Does the iPad work as a USB host? If so, and it supports the standard USB audio and HID classes then I would have thought it would work.


      • Charles says:

        I seem to have been mistaken regarding the HID support in iPad. But iPad does currently support standard USB audio. Things are changing with each new release of Apple’s iOS, and the HID support could be included in an upcoming version. But there will need to be app support to make iPad work with FUNCube, and I’d love to start digging in to see what’s required… when they’re not sold out ๐Ÿ™

  8. Thomas DF2OO says:

    This is a great project!
    Please add me to the notification list for orders.

    73, Thomas DF2OO

  9. Nicolas ON8NP says:


    Will it be possible to use the FUNcube dongle with WinRad?
    Nice project. Can you add me to the notification list?


    • admin says:

      Thanks for your comment.

      I haven’t used WinRad myself, however a quick look on the website seems to suggest that it would work. The FCD simply
      looks like a stereo sound card with a quadrature signal, plus a HID interface for frequency control.

      Howard (G6LVB)

  10. Tomas Krajco says:

    Hi, very interesting project. Can you add me to the notification list, please?

  11. Jack (IZ1DSJ) says:

    I would be interested to try the PRO model also for professional use on geostationary satellite beacons measurements in L-Band.
    Please, could you send an e-mail when the units will be for sale?
    Thanks in advance, Jack

    • Augusto says:

      Hi Jack iz1dsj , have you succeeeded into getting one ?
      I did not also with the second batch, it did evaporate as soon I completed and clicked on “Pay now” …. speedy gonzales.
      Ciao, let me please know how it does if you ever get one!
      73 de Augusto
      i2jjr / hb9tza / 9h3jr

  12. Doug Phillips, W7RDP says:

    Please add me to the order list, thank you.

    72, Doug W7RDP

  13. Lars Nyberg, SM3KYH says:

    Also add me on the order list for a for a PRO.

    73 de Lars

  14. Andy G8NTH says:

    Please add me to your order list.

    Thank you. Andy.

  15. admin says:


    Folks, please note that there isn’t an “order list” as such. Once we have finalised out distribution arrangements, weโ€™ll post the ordering procedure on this website.

    Thank you, Howard

  16. Please add me to your order list. Thanks.Regards.

  17. Tom Clark K3IO says:

    Count me in for the Pro (at least one).

    Can you post the LO (i.e. xtal) reference frequency? I see some desirability to kludging on an input from the “house master” frequency source (Rb, locked to GPS).

    73, Tom

    • admin says:

      Hello Tom.

      24.576MHz is the reference frequency. The frequency was chosen to keep the sound card sampling rate accurate: although the Codec has a PLL of its own, I am not using it, chosing instead to use the silicon tuner’s oscillator as the reference for both the LO and the Codec. The fractional-N PLL LO is OK for the purpose of receiving narrow band SSB transmissions well into L band, but it is not going win gold in the phase noise olympics.

      The resolution of the PLL is 375Hz (24,576,000/65,536) although at present the API presents 1kHz resolution and it’s rounded down to the nearest 375Hz.

      The crystals I’ve been using all consistently seem to come in around 120ppm +/- high, but are surprisingly time and temperature stable. As part of the post-production procedure when the units are built, a software calibration procedure will correct for this on a unit by unit basis based on my own Rubidium source. I’ll provide access to this calibration parameter to end users.

      In addition, I am looking to integrate both I/Q and DC offset calibration based on select LO frequencies assuming temperature doesn’t affect these parameters too much. The code to apply the corrections in real time on the device is in hand crafted assembler which ended up about 10 times faster than unoptimised C and a couple of times faster than optimised C. Again, I would expect these parameters to be exposed to the end user if they choose to use them.


      • PaulC says:


        Do you have any figures for the frequency stability?

        It looks like there is a market for high-stability 24.576MHz TCXOs for audio enthusiasts (eg. 0.3ppm TXCO here – http://bit.ly/eanarm – though I can’t find the original mnfrs site or a datasheet) – how easy would it be to upgrade the onboard xtal using one of these ?

        • admin says:

          Hi Paul.

          The FCD uses a crystal and although it will not win a prize for stablility, it’s not bad. Once it’s been on for a few minutes and the temperature has stabilised it’s pretty stable. It’ll never beat a TCXO of course.

          I haven’t done it myself, but replacing the crystal source with your own source should be a simple matter. Note that the same 24.576MHz oscillator reference source is used throughout the FCD including for generating the audio sampling rate.


  18. Sergej K0KOC says:

    Add me to the notification list, please.

  19. Zvonimir MAKOVEC, S54M says:

    Please add me too to the notification and ordering list.

    BTW, I can’t find how to register to login ?
    Login page does not accept my callsign as user name.

    73 de Maki

    • admin says:

      There is no login or “notification list” at present. We have ot finalised distribution yet. When we have done so the distribution process will be posted here.

      We are concentrating in getting the product into production first which should be in the next few days.

      Many thanks, Howard

  20. Tracey Gardner G5VU says:

    Please add me to your order list for a Pro.



  21. admin says:


    To reiterate, there is no formal order list or notification list at present I am afraid. We have yet to finalise distribution arrangements, but once they are finalised you can be sure we’ll let you know on this website.

    Many thanks, Howard

  22. Mark Hammond N8MH says:

    Hi Howard,

    It’s great to watch the progress of this project online! Can’t wait to get one. If there *was* a list, I’d have you put me on it ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Mark N8MH

  23. Hi Howard,

    This is a great new capability and I am sure will create lot of exitement in the HAM and students world on satellite communications. Great !!

    Nitin [VU3TYG]

  24. Hello Howard,

    Will be nice to see up and runnnig FDC for students.
    Very good project, please add me to your waiting list.

    73 Marian YO2MBU

  25. VERY, VERY, VERY GOOD PROYECT… most of us are waiting for a piece of hardware like this, congratulations. I will buy at least one… ;-))

    73 Nacho, EB1GER

  26. Alan Dale says:

    I am the licence holder at a School Amateur Radio Club MX0NDH. This looks like an exellent idea both for the school & for Special Event operation. I can see this really grabbing the imagination.

  27. JOSE says:

    Please add me to the order list, thank you.

    • admin says:


      Thank you for you note.

      I will be publishing the ordering method very soon. At the moment I’m afraid there isn’t a list.

      Many thanks, Howard

  28. DK3SML Michael says:

    Please set me on he orderlist, I am also interested in this project. The unit will be right part beside my Perseus ;)).

    73s de Michael, DK3SML

  29. Klaus Stegner says:

    iโ€™m very interested to buy a funcubedongle in Pro Version.
    How can I order it?
    Let me know the way to ordering and the way to pay it.

    73, OE7NS

  30. Esko says:

    I am interested to order when awailable


  31. Torsten, DD3TF says:

    Dr Howard,

    this is not only an impressive project but I am particularly impressed by your patience in repeating that there is no order list, hi.

    Good luck furthermore,
    vy 73 de Torsten, DD3TF

  32. Please add me to the list as well.

    • Mark Hammond N8MH says:

      Angelo, there IS no list–it’s first come, first served. Adjust your clock for precision and set your alarm ๐Ÿ™‚

  33. Dale Hershberger says:

    I would like to place an order for a funcube dongle.
    These things are going to fast to be able to get order in.


  34. K6XOX says:

    you said will be next batch on Jan 2 20:00GMT , So I will need to wait to place order until that time or can I place the order in advance?

    Your product is kind of amazing, Would you please keep me update on your product?

    How can I get one Dongle for me?


    Nimit – K6xox

    • admin says:

      Hi Nimit.

      That’s what time the shop opens. At that stage I will be able to say confidently how many devices I can ship the next working day. I am still building and testing dongles now, so I don’t know yet precisely how many I’ll have.


      • K6XOX says:

        Hi Howard,

        Happy new year to you. It is such a good product and very high demand why not you use SUB-Contractor to build for you. I did click on Paypal on that time but it sold out already.

        Many Factory in South east Asia will assembly for you cheap and you can accept order for many Ham around the world fast. if you want me to introduce you SUB Contractor who will build this Dongle for you pleas email me, I am working in Semiconductor Industry and I knew one of them who assembly Cell phone , Iphone, HTC Droid Phone in Thailand and They knew me very well and I can introduce you to them and make it start real quick. For the Love of the HAM Radio, Thank you to produce the good product.


        Nimit- K6XOX-HS1IFU

  35. Felix says:

    Hi Howard,
    first of all a Happy New Year to you and thanks for all the great efforts of bringing the funcubedongle to us, that’s just fantastic.
    I am highly interested into trying to order one of the devices and hope to be lucky to get one, anyhow it would be nice if you could let me know if an alternate address to the paypal standard address could be provided for ordering, as I am German but in UK until July, it would be sad to wait till then for receiving the device.
    PayPal does not permit me to use a UK address with my German PayPal account.
    If you need to have proof I could provide an official confirmation letter which reflects my current UK address so that you are on the safe side.

    Thanks in advance for your answer, I am looking forward hearing from you.

    All Best,

  36. Andres M. ( EA7SWL) says:

    I am interested in a FUNCUBE, but whenever I try to ask is exhausted.
    There a list where you can sign up and make a reservation?
    Andres M.

    • admin says:

      Hello Andres

      Thanks for your note.

      There is no list to sign up to I’m afraid. We have sales about once every two weeks when I have a batch made up. The next one will be around 15/16 Jnauary _if_ the batch coming from my manufacturer is OK.


  37. Pascal says:

    Hi, as an enthousiastic GNU-Radio software developer i might consider purchasing a funcube.
    However for me this is only feasable if specs (at least to block level but preferably with schematic diagram) are free.
    Would that be posible ?
    Regards, Pascal de PA3FKM

    • admin says:

      Hello Pascal

      Thank you for your note.

      I am unsure what you are trying to achieve to be able to help you. If you give me some more detail then I may be able to help you out. The FCD is a USB composite device with a soundcard interface and a HID interface for controlling things like frequency agility. The soundcard provides 96kHz of spectrum in I/Q format 16 bits/channel at baseband. There is a tuner that includes VCO, fractional-N PLL, mixer, and LNA, downconverting to analog quadrature baseband for the soundcard ADC.

      It is like a Softrock with an integrated soundcard where you can tune LO from VHF, through UHF and up to L band.


  38. Joseph Acevedo says:

    I wanted to order the FUNcube Dongle Pro, but was informed that the item was sold out at the PayPal site. Can I be notified when the ordering will be resumed?

    • admin says:


      Thanks for your note. Keep an eye on the site, in the next week hopefully I’ll be announcing a new availability date. The next batch are from a new manufacturer and once they arrive I will need to check them out. Assuming they arrive on time and they’re OK, we’ll be looking at the weekend of 15/16 January.


  39. e.cires says:

    Please add me to your order list

  40. e.cires says:

    THANKS .73

  41. Dave Scott vk2jds says:

    is it possible to pack a set of parts in a bag and ship with pcb so we can make ourselves? i am handy with rf smd work as its part of my employment. looks like a great device ๐Ÿ™‚

  42. Bob says:

    Interested in one of these as perhaps a kit if there is no build date set for the next round yet ๐Ÿ™‚

  43. Bob says:

    Any idea of a release date for the next batch in that case?? (or if there will be another batch). One of these devices would be great to play and learn ๐Ÿ™‚

    • admin says:

      Hello Bob

      Thanks for your note. Keep an eye on the site, in the next few days hopefully Iโ€™ll be announcing a new availability date. The next batch are from a new manufacturer and once they arrive I will need to check them out. Assuming theyโ€™re OK, weโ€™ll be looking at the weekend of 15/16 January.


      • Frank PH2M says:

        Hello Howard,
        I think it is very frustrating that every time someone is asking when the next batch will be available.
        I think the first thing you can do is to remove the information about the 2nd batch, it’s 1 week old (now) and not showing any information about the possible release date of the next batch (probably 15/16 January).

        A satisfied customer of FUNcube Dongle serial #111.
        73 de Frank PH2M

  44. Alex says:

    Can you explain me why you didnโ€™t send to Lithuania?
    I am very offend buy different kinds from eBay and donโ€™t problem
    The money is guarantee by Pay Pal
    Tnak , Alex

    • admin says:

      Hello Alex

      I do not have any limitation on where FUNcube Dongles are sent other than where Paypal is accepted.

      For the recent eBay auction, the sale is also limited to countries where there is an eBay site.


  45. K6XOX says:

    Hi Howard,

    On this batch after I ordered and paid on pay-pal, how long do you think that you will start to ship out and do we will have shipping information by EMAIL or just keep waiting.



    • admin says:


      They were packed over the weekend and I am on my way to the Post Office now.

      For the US I use Royal Mail Airsure which should be 6 working days. This is a traceable service door to door, however the delivery time is an aim and is not contractual.

      However I am aware that there have been some delays recently to the US, usually a couple of days, in some cicumstances which you can read here.


      • I got email from Paypal shipping alert last night.

        Thank you very much for the shipping info ๐Ÿ™‚ ,


        • admin says:

          If Paypal allows us, we use Paypal to do the mailing. Sometimes, perhaps 1 in 8, Paypal throws up a problem, and we have to do postage manually, in which case there won’t be an automated notification.

          Paypal/Royal Mail never allocate a tracking number at this point. It is always a manual collation process for every item: I kneel on the floor with 100+ packages and peel off a small part of each sticker and afix it to my printed list.

          Unless there is a reason to suspect that the package has gone walkabout (eg, it’s not arrived by the anticipated time), then I don’t spend time manually keying in all those tracking numbers.

          So far none have gone missing, although with the recent weather problems in the UK and Eastern US, there have been some delays of a couple of days over the expected time.

          I am always delighted to look up an item on an individual basis if it’s not arrived within the anticipated time.

          In the UK, packages should arrive the day after posting as I use Special Delivery 1pm.

          Outside the UK, where it’s supported, I use Airsure:

          2 working days after posting to Western Europe

          4 working days after posting to Eastern Europe and postal subsidiaries (Islands and Principalities)

          6 working days after posting to the rest of the world

          The remainder are sent International Signed For (ISF) which targets a day longer than Airsure.

          Airsure is currently available to the following destinations:

          Andorra, Austria, Azores, Balearic Islands, Belgium, Canary Islands, Brazil, Canada, Corsica, Denmark, Estonia, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Iceland, Irish Republic, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Madeira, Malaysia, Monaco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, USA.

          FWIW, it takes around 20 man hours to do the packaging for 100 units end to end.


  46. Rob Thompson says:

    I must be the one of the 1 in 8 as well.
    The only way I know I’m getting one was from Paypal’s payment complete page and email.
    I’v not received anything else by email.
    Also didn’t get a reply when I asked when they would be posted.
    But I’m not to good with forum posts and probably asked where no one else was expecting to read it, Don’t matter tho because Howard posted somewhere else when they we’r posted.
    I goto say some extra confirmation would have been nice but with all things considered I think Howard should give himself a pat on the back and take it easy for a day or two ๐Ÿ˜‰
    I’m not going to panic over it’s arrival (I admit i’m excited about it).
    I got my Transaction ID: 4SE94412S7415682E.
    Maybe thats all the confirmation I need.
    Great work Howard.
    De Rob Thompson (2E0RPT)

    • admin says:

      Hello Robert,

      Sorry that I didn’t individually respond to your question.

      As a rule of thumb, dongles are mailed on the working day following the sale. This is why the sales happen over a weekend so we have time to do all the packaging in time for posting on Monday.

      I am not sure why you didn’t receove some sort of mail confirmation, perhaps my supposition that Paypal automatically emails people wasn’t correct, but in that case I can’t explain why some people receive confirmation and others don’t.

      You’ll find me very quiet on here when we’re doing packaging, but that is a good thing!


      • Rob Thompson says:

        It has arrived ๐Ÿ˜€ #302 is hear.
        But there is a small problem.
        I plugged it in and PC asked me for the drivers.
        I’m using Windows XP Pro 32b SP3.
        It has installed as a USB Soundcard OK
        But the ‘FUNcube Dongle V0.0’ is asking for a driver.
        I do believe this is the HID side of things.
        I had this before with HID devices a logitech keyboard did the same but I was able get the driver (That should already be in windows) installed and now that keyboard works.
        Have you got any suggestions?

        De Rob (2E0RPT)
        P.S. Should I be posting this elsewhere?

        • Rob Thompson says:

          Just in case this helps others, This is how it was fixed.
          On phone to ACER Support I found out my XP disk did not include the HID drivers (And they did get in trouble with Microsoft) But it is left upto me to send my existing disk and request a propper one.

          Find another PC that FCD does work on (For me it was my server that has no sound card but that don’t matter)
          Goto it’s windows\system32 or winnt\system32 folder.
          Copy ‘Drivers’ directory, ‘INF’ directory & ‘hid.dll’ file onto a CD or USB Pendrive (Any media big enough to transfer to the PC you wish to run the FCD)
          Then when FCD Asks for the driver tell it to Include the path to the disk or USB Drive.

          I hope this helps anyone who had the same problem as me (Especially and ACER TravelMate owners)

          De. Rob (2E0RPT)
          PS Dongle been tested now and is totally amazing ๐Ÿ˜€

          • admin says:

            Hi Rob

            Excellent information!!!

            Your note made me remember very well having a similar problem (not related to the FCD) on a couple of machines where certain USB*.inf file(s) were missing for some obscure reason in my other life where I get to go to work every day ๐Ÿ˜‰

            I never ever got to the bottom of the fault but it has happened to me more than once, although I hasten to add not on the Acer Aspire One I’m on now (XP) or the Acer desktop (Windows 7) in the shack.


  47. Hi Howard,
    when You ship thee last group of Dongle ?
    Excuse me.
    Tony (Italy)

    • admin says:


      All units were shipped on Monday 17 January.


      • How many days for Italy ?

        • admin says:

          Hi Tony

          Royal Mail doesn’t have Airsure to Italy so your FCD went International Signed For (ISF). The target time is three working days to Western Europe, four working days to Eastern Europe and five working days for the rest of the world.


          • Well. TNX Howard.

          • Augusto hb9tza says:

            Very well, this helps me too!
            Hope you’ll be able to srite us when you send them.
            72 de Augusto hb9tza / 9h3jr /i2jjr
            PS You’ve mail from me re. where to send and correct address.

          • Augusto hb9tza says:

            Sorry Howard, I’ve read now that you will send all the next Monday after the sale… I should have read better the “ordering FAQ ” !
            I apologize! Your explainations about how you send was exaustive. Thanks! Augusto i2jjr / 9h3jr

  48. Howard,
    please, can You verify, using tracking number, if the dongle is arrived in Italy ?

  49. Wilmar says:

    Hello Howard.
    If there is a tracking number could you please send me???
    If there isnยดt no problem.

  50. Francois Michaud-Herbst VE2 MHF says:

    When a new batch will be available , I am interested to buy one can you email me when available
    Francois VE2MHF

    • admin says:

      Hello Francois,

      I am hoping to have some more ready in a couple of weeks.

      Keep an eye on the site. A few days before the next batch is ready I place an announcement on here. I believe that you can set up an automated RSS feed to notify you, although it’s not something I’ve done myself.


  51. Bert Gonzalez says:

    Hi Howard, congrats about the great work on the dongle, I’ve already joined to yahoo group, it’s been quite active and make me feel more anxious about the arrive of the dongle. Can you provide me the tracking number to check the status? This will be the first in Mexico and would like to show in the next Club meeting, in fact we’re going to have a session focused on SDR, so for newbees like me on this technologies will be very illustrative.
    Thanks in advance
    Bert / XE1FZE

  52. Antonio Pilichi I5NQK says:

    HI Howard,
    You have mail. I have a question for You.
    Best 73 and VRY TNX, Tony

  53. Wilmar says:

    Yesterday… Breathing signals from space… The first Funcube (n. 197) in Brazil came to life.

  54. Dionysios Vlachiotis SV8RV says:

    please give me any tracking number!
    thanks in advance
    73 de SV8RV

  55. Raimund DG9MAQ says:

    piep-piep-piep-piiiiiiiiep …. 22:00 UT:
    yippieh – i got one ๐Ÿ™‚

    73 de Raimund DG9MAQ

  56. Steve says:

    Good morning…
    Wow, is was somewhere around 1:00 UTC in the morning as I have tried to buy my dongle.
    But unfortunately it is sold out again ๐Ÿ™
    It seems I was two hours too late…

    Sorry for the question – but when is the next batch available…???

    kind regards

    • admin says:

      Hello Steve.

      I need to speak with my manufacturers before I can give a view on this. They have 320 more boards with all the parts placed except for the manually placed connectors. When the boards reach me I can do a fairly rapid test, HPF rework, retest and place in the enclosure. The last batch included 80 from the manufacturer, they only arrived on Friday at 2pm, and I had tested them all by 6pm.

      Keep an eye on the site, I’ll have an update over the next few days just as soon as I know.


      • Howard,

        Will you please send me tracking number when you ship?


        Richard W5SXD

        • admin says:

          Hi Richard

          I don’t usually distribute individual tracking numbers unless the item has not arrived beyond its target date. The reason behind this is simple: allocation of tracking numbers is not automated, despite the fact that we use Paypal’s linked Royal Mail offering (when it works, which is between 80 and 90% of the time). We would have to manually key in dozens and dozens of random 13 character tracking numbers and individually email or otherwise notify each recipient. I estimated that for this last batch that would take one person 4.5 hours based on an optimistic two minutes per order, and there would innevitably be keying errors.

          I am always happy to distribute tracking numbers on an individual basis if the item has not arrived by the target time.

          I hope that this makes sense: we have only just finished the packaging from Friday’s 10pm batch for delivery at the Post Office on Monday morning. This alone took twenty man hours.

          We discovered on Saturday that Paypal has now removed their Airsure option, so we have used their International Signed For for all non UK deliveries. The alternative was to manually cut and paste each line of each address petween Paypal and RM’s systems, and that was clearly unsustainable.

          The target (although not guaranteed) times for International Signed For are three working days to Western Europe, five working days to Eastern Europe and seven working days for the rest of the world.


    • admin says:

      Hi Steve

      Sorry you were unlucky, keep an eye on the site. I hope to have another batch ready in the next two weeks or so.


  57. Bruce KF1Z says:

    That sounds great Howard.
    Looks like they did a very quick job for you.
    I think those 80 pieces were ready in less than 4 days?

    Will cross my fingers that I can purchase one of these in the next sale!

    Thanks for offering this product!


    • admin says:

      Hi Bruce,

      400 boards were pick & placed in two days, I got lucky with the P&P machine availability. There is however some lead time in performing the manual placing of the connectors and rear side components.

      Testing and fixing the 80 boards took a day, and then there is a further day reworking the HPF, placing in the enclosure and retesting. Those days are long!


  58. Howard, the FCD is not here yet.
    As there was a very minimal insignificant fault on my address, but Mr. Murphy has proven to be vy able in the past, I will inform you of this.
    As you stated in other messages, it should have been here on Wednesday morning. If it would be helpful, send me a tracking number, otherwise I’ll go on waiting , no problems. Ciao and thanks for the good job yuou’re doing.
    9h3jr i2jjr hb9tza

    • admin says:


      You have mail!


      • Howard, did you ever get all my messages about the wrong address by paypal ? It seems the FCD has been sent to Mr. Murphy . More details in an email in reply to your.
        The Royal Mail tracking Info for today is that it has been sent to Italy .
        73 Howard, tnxs!

        • admin says:


          Please check your email, and any attachments.


          • Hi Howard, thanks !
            I see that the shipping address is OK, in spite of PayPal payment receipt.
            I suppose the FCD will be here in the next days.
            I’ll let you know, thanks and please forgive me the misunderstanding of the addresses items!
            73 de Augusto

  59. Lucijan says:

    Dear OM-s!

    Fan cube arrived in good shape in Croatia. Device working perfect and even much better than expected. It beat my traditional RIG-s on RX. Thanks again for all your effort and I wish you all the best with further job and satellite receiving.

    Best 73s!

    Luci , 9A1Z

  60. Pablo Garcรญa says:

    Hello Howard,
    I would like to know when it would bring new funcube,
    and I’m very interested in buying one.

    • admin says:

      Hello Pablo

      I am still awaiting a delivery from the manufacturers of the assembled boards. I am told they should be arriving today. I will then need to spend a few days testing them, doing rework and placing them in the enclosures followed by a final test.


  61. Dear Howard,

    Can you write an e-mail to my private address to have information about an order?

    Awaiting yourn replay.

    Best regards,

  62. Amilcar Carlos says:


    Is it possible to pre-order one unit and have it shipped when its ready?

    Amilcar (CT1TO)

    • admin says:

      Hello Amilcar.

      I am sorry, at present there is no pre-order facility at present.
