Delivery information for the 3 April sale


All UK units were mailed this morning (Monday 4 April) and should arrive tomorrow via Special Delivery 1pm. If you have not received yours tomorrow (please note that it requires a signature), let me know and I will get you the tracking number.

For non UK deliveries, with the new shipping system in place I have managed to pack and prepare every unit from this batch already this morning, so all non-UK units will now ship today (Monday)! This means many North American and Western European buyers will receive their FCDs tomorrow (Tuesday 5 April). I am currently awaiting the Fedex tracking numbers so that I can collate them with the email addresses I have for you from Paypal. The process to make this work at all was frought with difficulty (eg, the Office email merge and all my AV software assumed I was sending spam!) so it may be later today or early tomorrow before I manage to get these detail out. Irrespective, all the units will have already shipped.


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