Next sale: Friday 4 February 22:00 UTC


The next sale will be on Friday 4 February 2011 at 22:00 UTC. Sorry, sold out again. The next sale will be in the next couple of weeks, I’ll let you know on the site exactly when it is.


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21 Responses to Next sale: Friday 4 February 22:00 UTC

  1. Bruce says:

    I’ll be there with bells on!

  2. Augusto says:

    Tnxs Howard! How many this time?
    Hope enough … hi! 73! Augusto
    i2jjr hb9tza 9h3jr

  3. Sn says:

    I already have 1 unit.
    Now that 500 units will be available,
    can I order extra unit?

    • admin says:

      I have no way of stopping you ordering an additional unit!

      In the last sale, two people were lucky and managed to get two units each as I released in two segments a couple of minutes apart in an effort to mitigate against Paypal overselling the inventory. In addition, I suspect one person had his other half also purchasing on his behalf next to him on the sofa at the same time with her Paypal account, and so the household managed to land two units!


  4. Lars Nyberg, SM3KYH says:

    how many?

    • admin says:

      I don’t know yet. I have personally hand built and fully tested a further 60 units so far. I am meeting the manufacturer today (Thursday) to see how many they have made. They have enough parts for 400, but I do not expect anywhere near that many to be fully ready, maybe another 100 or so if we are lucky. Yesterday at lunchtime when I met with them they had placed parts on 320 boards apart from the connectors which need manual placing. Also all the QFNs go through a visual check and the tuner in particular is manually touched up. I will still need to test all these and rework the HPF first. Until they’re tested I won’t know, however I have personally visted them three times now over the past ten days already and I am fairly confident.

      Busy times.


  5. simon wood says:

    I saw the API doc on controlling the frequency/etc via the HID interface (python-libhid on Linux is really simple by the way).

    Has anyone got GnuRadio module to control this? I believe that the audio input is just as per sound card giving I/Q…


  6. Augusto says:

    OK , I’ve just seen now that my adsl is not so quick as they sell it …..
    Hope I’ll be able to manage it quickly enough this time .
    Wish all the best to all runners!
    Augusto hb9tza / i2jjr

  7. Mark Hammond N8MH says:

    Tic, toc, tic, toc, tic, toc 🙂 Good luck, y’all!

  8. Mike Tindor AA8IA says:

    I got my confirmation that the order was placed. Can’t wait to have it in-hand to try it out 🙂

  9. Ben Brockert says:

    Woot, got one. I got my coworker interested and he tried for one as well, but he ended up missing out due to going back to change the location. Should have just gone through with it, oops.

    I’ll be interested to see the post-sale analysis again. This process would make economists cry, there’s so much price discrimination that could be done. That said, I’m glad to get one at retail.


  10. Mike Frisco says:

    Darn. I had it in my cart and everything. Clicked to buy and …”out of stock”.

  11. Andries Lohmeijer PE1BMC says:

    A great project that really serves the community, well organised selling.
    Was able to obtain item 0001, first in the pile up?
    Maybe I’ll visit Martlesham in april.

    Andries PE1BMC

  12. Philippe says:

    I did it ! @2158 UTC 😉

  13. admin says:

    Quick update, 135 dongles in this last batch sold by 22:00:49.


    • Augusto hb9tza says:

      Hi Howard,
      Please confirm that you’ve received my messages about the RIGHT ADDRESS where to send the FCD, please !

      Paypal did not ask for it and it was not possible to correct after the payment done. Anyway, please do not send it to the paypal reported address, it would be a big waste of time, I’ll not be there for the next months ….
      I wait on your reply, as I am not sure about your email address reported on the paypal receipt.

      Mny thanks and congrats for the speedy evaporation of this batch !
      73 de Augusto HB9TZA / I2JJR

  14. Really amazing, Howard!
    Looking forward to it!



  15. Alexander says:

    The computer clock said 21:59. I suddenly remembered about the sale. I clicked on “Buy now” and to my utter amazement it led me through to Paypal. Finally I’d done it after missing out for a few seconds the previous times! Proudly I thought I’d become one of the fastest mice in the West (of Europe).