Updated FUNcube Dongle demographics


Here is the latest FCD distribution.


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14 Responses to Updated FUNcube Dongle demographics

  1. Przemek says:

    Good morning, your equipment rejoice at a good interest in Poland. Unfortunately, there is no local distribution. When your are interested in the distribution in Poland, please contact me.

  2. Phil VK6ADF says:

    In your demographics list,that should be 12 for Australia and 1 gone missing…hi. Nothing today. I can only check the PO for mail every Monday due to work commitments so will check again next week.
    73 Phil…

  3. Has anyone in the US received their Feb 4 dongle yet?

    73 Richard W5SXD

  4. Lisa Gunther says:

    As of today, February 21, I have not received it. I have an anxious husband awaiting and hope that it arrives tomorrow. I was the first order on February 4.

    • admin says:

      Hello Lisa.

      Sorry that yo have yet to receive your FCD.

      I have send you an email with the tracking details. It looks like an attempt at delivery was made on 16 February.


  5. Jim Cushing N1JMF says:

    Can I pre pay for a dongle now to assure del. when available
    Tnk’s Jim Cushing

    • admin says:

      Hi Jim

      Sorry there is no prepay facility I’m afraid. Once things calm down, we’ll be in a position to offer ordering and delivery options. At present, we are sticking to a fairly strict process so that we minimise any errors: as you can imagine it’s rather hectic during the days of the sale getting everything prepared.


  6. Jim Cushing N1JMF says:

    thank You

  7. George KA3HSW says:

    Howard: may I have permission to include the website banner pic in an article about the FCD for our radio club newsletter?

  8. Stephen B. Trout says:

    Hi Howard

    Looks like I missed out again. Any Idea when you will be selling any more units?

    Thanks es 73